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Handpans and Sound Sculptures 1
Hello and Welcome (0:43)
Introduction from David and Colin (0:53)
Basic Position and Strokes (3:51)
Notations (4:48)
Getting to know your instrument (4:42)
Changing Position (5:30)
Scales (2:33)
Central Note Grooves
Playing the Central Note Area (5:24)
Creating Longer Sequences 1 (4:42)
More Variations (2:46)
Creating longer Sequences 2 (2:46)
Composition No. 1 (4:33)
Transferring these Ideas to Other Instruments (4:38)
Colin's 6, 8 and 16 grooves
Colin's 6 (7:50)
Colin's 8 and 16 (6:52)
Chords (5:40)
Arpeggios (3:32)
Developing Harmonic Sequences (6:25)
More Central Note Grooves
Malfuf and Maqsoum (3:39)
Chiftetelli and Bambi (2:41)
Rumba and Sha'abi (2:43)
Aksak, Curcuna and Funk (4:07)
Expanding Rhythmic Patterns with Melodies
Expanding Rhythmic Patterns A (3:21)
Expanding Rhythmic Patterns B (4:03)
Expanding Rhythmic Patterns C (3:30)
Expanding Rhythmic Patterns D (4:00)
Expanding Rhythmic Patterns E (2:53)
Developing Another Progression
Developing Another Sequence 1 (4:26)
Developing Another Sequence 2 (3:00)
Developing Another Sequence 3 (3:46)
Developing Another Sequence 4 (2:43)
Putting Everything Together
Final Composition (14:22)
Additional Material
Performance of "The Good Knight" (Colin) (5:47)
Performance of Prelude No. 1 (David) (4:56)
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Expanding Rhythmic Patterns D
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