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The Complete Pandeiro Guide - Part 2
15 Maracatu
15 Maracatu Introduction (1:12)
15.1 Maracatu Basic Feel (imitating Shekere/Mineiro and Caixa) (1:32)
15.2 Maracatu, the Gongue Pattern (0:30)
15.3 Maracatu, Nação Porto Rico, Alfaia Pattern (5:42)
15.4 Maracatu, Nação Elefante (1:18)
15.5 Maracatu, Martelo (1:09)
15.6 Funk Maracatu by Marcos Suzano (1:13)
15.7 Maracatu, Improvisation Alfaia Virador (1:05)
15.8 Maracatu Pandeirada (1:21)
16 Carimbó
16 Carimbó Introduction (0:41)
16.1 Carimbó, Basic Patterns (3:48)
16.2 Carimbó Marapanim (1:03)
16.3 Movement in 3, Jingle Sound (2:46)
17 Samba Reggae, Afro Samba
17 Samba Reggae / Afro Samba Introduction (2:11)
17.1 Samba Reggae including the Repinique Pattern (1:55)
17.2 Press Stroke played by the Palm (1:53)
17.3 Merengue do Olodum - Building Up a Samba Reggae Groove (3:56)
17.4 Rumba do Olodum (3:19)
17.5 Afro Samba do Ilê Aiyê (2:05)
17.6 Samba Reggae Pandeirada (0:56)
18 Ijexá
18 Ijexá Introduction (1:01)
18.1 Lê in Ijexá (1:45)
18.2 Rumpi in Ijexá (1:12)
18.3 Ijexá, Combining Lê and Rumpi (0:53)
18.4 Adding the Bell Pattern in Ijexá (2:30)
18.5 Ijexá by Marcos Suzano (0:46)
18.6 Ijexá dry pattern (1:10)
18.7 Rum in Ixejá (1:52)
18.8 Ijexa Pandeirada (0:57)
18.9 Playalong - Ijexa (0:53)
19 & 20 Samba de Caboclo, Maculelê
19 Samba de Caboclo (1:29)
20 Maculelê (1:17)
21, 22, 23 Candomblé
21 Cabila (Cabula) Introduction (0:28)
21.1 Lé in Cabila (1:08)
21.2 Gã in Cabila (Bell Pattern) (1:07)
21.3 Rumpi in Cabila (1:51)
21.4 Rum in Cabila (2:44)
21.5 Combining the three voices in Cabila (1:17)
21.6 Cabila Pandeirada (0:33)
22.1 Gã in Congo (Bell Pattern - Clave) (1:29)
22.2 Lê in Congo (1:10)
22.3 Rumpi in Congo (0:56)
22.4 Rum in Congo (1:19)
22.5 Congo, combining the three voices (1:07)
22.6 Congo by Marcos Suzano (1:08)
22.7 Congo Pandeirada (0:30)
23.1 Barravento, the pattern of the Gã (Bell) (1:42)
23.2 Barravento, Basic Pattern 1 (1:20)
23.3 Barravento, Basic Pattern 2 (1:17)
23.4 Rum in Barravento (1:54)
23.5 Barravento Pandeirada (0:34)
24, 25, 26 Funk & more, the modern Pandeiro
24 Modern concepts on Pandeiro, Funk & more (1:32)
24.1 Groupings of 3 (Exercise 1) (2:07)
24.2 Groupings of 3 (Exercise 2) (1:25)
24.3 Groupings of 3 (Exercise 3) (0:42)
25.1 Funk Groove in Groupings of 3 (4:33)
25.2 Changing the left hand movement (1:35)
26.1 Funk Groove, changing sub-divisions, concept & basic groove (1:25)
26.2 Same groove in sextuplets (5:01)
26.3 Alternating the groove between 16th and sextuplets (0:52)
26.4 Same groove in 32th notes (2:19)
26.5 Alternating the groove between 16th, sextuplets and 32th notes (1:14)
26.6 Playalong - Funk (1:06)
27 - 31 Tricks & Effects
27.1 Binary and Ternary, creating rhythms and odd-meters (3:44)
27.2 Sextuplet variation 1 (1:42)
27.3 Sextuplet variation 2 (0:49)
28 "Double Roll" by Sebastian Notini (2:21)
29.1 Horizontal Shaking (2:05)
29.2 Imitating a shaker (0:44)
29.3 Shaking in 3 (1:10)
29.4 Shaking in 4 (2:43)
29.5 Vertical Shaking (1:19)
30 Playing on the jingles (0:42)
31 The Moose Call (1:01)
32 Pandeiro Independence
32.1 Pandeiro Independence, Clave with pedals (0:58)
32.2 Pandeiro Independence, Samba Bell with pedals (0:39)
33 Pandeiro Solo
33 Pandeiro Solo (7:22)
Music Scores Part 2
Music Scores Part 2
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17 Samba Reggae / Afro Samba Introduction
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